Thursday, March 3, 2011

I've changed the title of my blog to / LIVING LIFE!!

This is going to be a short posting today because I have some living to do!! I have finally realized and made the decision to LIVE LIFE focusing on the moment in front of me instead of the past or the things that I have NO CONTROL over!

God has blessed each and every one of us (FREE WILL) and it is my intention to use that free will to look at and enjoy all of natures beauty and take full advantage of it. On the days that I AM lucky enough to get out of bed, I'm going to live the day to the fullest. Go to water workouts, then grab my camera and capture some of that beauty. On days my body just won't corporate, I will use the time to journal about the about some of the beauty I was able to catch!!

I encourage each and everyone of you to get into the positive mindset, and LIVE IN THE MOMENT!!!

Have a great day and remember stay "COOL"!

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