My son carelessly received his second DUI this past Saturday!! I am heart broken. I decided to let him spend the night in jail. He was not appreciative of my help to pick him up after his arraignment. He has no regard for his own life, much less others that he endangers when he is driving under the influence. He is in the group of young adults that for some reason think they deserve what WE have worked most of our lives to attain. He also suffers with depression, ADD, and possibly the onset of Schizophrenia!?!?! I am at my wits end, I am on disability for my own emotional and physical issues, I can no longer handle my sons disregard for others whom are trying to help him. He is rude and disrespectful not only to me but his grandparents! I feel like a failure as a parent to him, even though HE wore designer cloths, did all of the travel sports while in school, things I felt like I was doing to keep him out of this type of behavior. I guess you just can't predict how your children's lives will turn out, no matter how much you try to guide or encourage them to take the path that we feel would benefit them the most.
Right now I feel like he is playing Russian Roulette with his life!! Your call is as good as mine at this point!!
Anyone who has good advise as to how to help him I am interested in your opinion. PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND IF YOU JUST WANT TO BE A BLOW HARD, Because I really don't need bullshit right now.
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