Sunday, February 13, 2011


I have a son that is 22 and still wants to act like he is 16, wants no responsibilities, but all of the perks of being an adult!! I don't know what it is about this generation but they seem to think that they are entitled to everything WE have worked our asses off for the past 30 years???? I just don't get it!!! I think that things have gotten way out of control as far a parenting is concerned. You can't discipline your children when they are young so when they get older they think they can control you!!! The system is messed up.........all of the "do gooders" have made the world a much harder place to live.......the "tweens and 20 somethings" think they "deserve to have things on a silver platter"!! Well I'm here to tell you that's not going to happen, not in my world anyway. My 22 year old is going to have to learn the hard way, and it's for his own good!! As a mother, this is going to be a very hard thing I'm going to have to do. My life has been a constant battle with all of my children, but especially my son, I have been told by many therapist that he is going to have to hit bottom. I am afraid that it is just around the corner. This makes me very sad but on the other hand I hope it shocks him into reality because I'm starting to remember what it means to feel alive again!!

I am starting to put my life back together, I still have a lot of bridges to cross but I feel like I am finally on my way. With the help of really good friends I am realizing that for me it is best to live life in the present, not in the past and to not try to project what the future will bring.

Wish me luck, I'm going to be 50 and FABULOUS on Thursday Feburary 17th!!

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