Monday, January 3, 2011


Where did I leave off, oh yes, working as an optician apprentice, taking care of  three children, taking care of a home, taking care of the yard work, ALONE. I would try dating, always meeting them away from the house, I didn't want to confuse the kids by bringing every man that I had a date with to the house. There were two men that they did meet, the ones that I thought might go somewhere, but of course they were train wrecks waiting to happen!

The first gentleman that was truly a good man and still is a good man, was the ex-husband of the woman my sons father was in love with and eventually married. I know, no one has to say it, what was I thinking. I mean this woman is the devil incarnate and that is being nice! We got along great he and I but there was always this evil scheming woman causing problems. So that ended quickly.

The next gentleman was funny, charming, good looking, great with my children, a fireman, had a side job building decks, he also had a side job driving for a patient care company, a boat, drove a nice truck. Seemed to have it all. He wanted a relationship same as me, so what could be the problem right? Well he moved in rather fast, taught my middle daughter how to do some cooking, got involved in my sons wrestling program in fact he started running it. He was awesome....WRONG!!  The first thing my mother asked him was did he chase women with that ambulance???!!  If that didn't give me a red flag it should have. My late sister told me he was evil too?!?! WHY IN THE HECK COULDN'T I SEE THAT?  We lived together for three years, seemed pretty normal, had some ups and downs like most couples do. But boy was I blind.........
I found out the hard way what he was really about. Seems he had been married before and also had another relationship going on at the same time. Well guess what, yes you are correct he did the same thing to me, lying, cheating, SOB! The hardest thing for me about this whole situation was that I found out about who she was and how involved they were the day WE buried my sister, I was already in shock because of her suicide, we had just buried her that day and my son who was very young had a wrestling meet. So I took him, figured I would try to keep things as normal as possible, since he and I were over. Well after the meet, I saw her walking out of the gym, another odd thing was all of the wrestlers and parents were staying? Next thing I new all of the boys were lining up as if they were going to take a picture including my son and the coaches, I joined the other parents thinking I was about to take a photo but to my shock, I hear all of the boys at once asking if I would MARRY the coach, he comes sliding around on his knees, pops open this box with an engagement ring in it and puts it on my finger, I dropped my video camera (still recording, which someone picked up to catch it ALL on tape). I couldn't say anything, everyone was congratulating us, my son was hugging my neck. I felt like I had left my body and was watching from above!! Strangest feeling, at that point it was all I could do to keep it together. I gathered our things and WE headed out of the gym. I was engaged to this CRAZY and I'm talking CERTIFIBLE man. I gave him the ring back the next day!! I was stalked by him for 8 yrs, had a protective order for 2 of those years!! Boy do I know how to pick them.

I think at this point in my life is when I knew something was wrong, I started seeing a counselor, I wanted to know why I kept picking the wrong men, why did I attract them?? Why was I so trusting and how did I not know that he was living with and engaged to another woman??  I still don't have the answers that I seek.

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