Sunday, January 2, 2011


Well, after my divorce, I wasn't employed so I did in home daycare until I could find a job. That didn't last long because a luck would have it I got a job as a records release clerk at one of the local clinics, I thought that would be a great opportunity, room for advancement, "right", well the job I was hired to do was outsourced! So I was demoted to file clerk which included a pay cut!! I made more money doing daycare. My "ego" or "temper" got the best of me one day and I had a conversation with my boss and told her to take her job and shove it!! Felt really good to be able to do that at least once in my working days. Not the smartest way to handle it, I'll admit but it did feel good!

 I quickly found that I had missed out on the night life. Being that I was pregnant at 21 with my second child. Man did I make up time, out on the weekends when I didn't have my children, I actually went out on Tuesdays also, met a group of friends at a regular watering hole and now that I think about it they were all guys, but they were some of my best friends, never dated any of them, just drank with them. Still friends with two of them to this day.

 I made my way to a bar one night, one seat left up at the bar, no tables available, (the place was a hot spot for many years) so I took it. Little did I know that sitting next to me was another newly divorced lady. We hit it off immediately, have been great friends ever since. Now behind the bar was the man that after "dating" would become the father of my son. No we didn't marry, he didn't want anything to do with me! Come to find out he was seeing a married woman that lived in another state and was in love with her. Seeing a pattern yet?

There where many nights in between the first night I walked into that bar and when I got pregnant with my son. I met a lot of good, fun, crazy people, made some great memories that I will never forget. Wasted a lot of time on a man that didn't want me too!

I also met the person who gave me my next job opportunity. She worked for a private practice Optical Co. She talked to the owner and we set up the interview and low and behold I got the job!! I was and Optician in training, pay wasn't bad, had great benefits, and off on weekends. I was on top of the world, seemed like I had it all. Beautiful daughters, new job, great new friends. I was able to keep the same roof over my daughters heads!! Well a year passed, I was learning more and more about optical manufacturing and boom, surprise, I was expecting a baby, (my son). Now I had three children, a awesome job, awesome co-workers, great friends. I got into running road races (5k's, 10k's 12k's) life was good just not great. My son's father decided he wanted to be in his life when I was 8 months along. He did take his fathers last name and child support was paid, but he might as well been a ghost, you see the father was an alcoholic, so even though he was there.....he wasn't. He ended up marrying the woman he was in love with. Once again I was rejected and alone!?!?  Wow, did that marriage turn out badly! (But that is his story to tell).

At this point, I am living life, but am I, it felt like I was just existing.


P.S.   I am interested in feed back so if you want to comment, please feel free.

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